For the past 8 years, the Real Estate Regatta has brought together the most important players in the real estate market for a special sporting event. From this year on, the Banker's Cup will join us as a "new" event, organised together with Farkas Litkey. With a new brand and concept, but on the same day and in the same place, we will bring together the leaders of the banking, investment and real estate sectors on the shores of Lake Balaton, at the five-star LUA Resort!

The first Banker’s Cup was held in 1997 with the aim of bringing together prominent leaders and companies from the financial sector, while creating an opportunity for community building and sharing the love of sailing. The Banker’s Cup is organised by Farkas Litkey, an Olympic, World and European champion sailor who has been organising professional and amateur sailing competitions and outdoor corporate team-building programmes for over 20 years. From this year, we are strengthening the link between the two economic areas by participating in the Real Estate Regatta.

For the fourth consecutive year, we have hosted the Beach Conference on Day 0 of the Real Estate Regatta. Starting this year, the event will be known as the Business BEACH Conference. In addition to addressing real estate market topics, experts will now also cover banking, financial, and other economic matters. Once again, the conference will take place at the luxurious LUA Resort, just as it did last year, on September 5th prior to the commencement of the competition.

Our featured topics
&#x2022 A megunhatatlan ESG! Már csak a zöld szín létezik?
&#x2022 Zöld kötvények és alapok – Finanszírozási megoldások az ingatlanpiacon és az építőiparban
&#x2022 Lesz-e földrengés? Azaz hogyan hat az állami cégek költözése az irodapiacra?
&#x2022 Tokenizáció és blokkláncok a vagyonkezelésben és az ingatlanpiacon (Real World Assets - RWA )
&#x2022 Milyen jövőkép formálódik a retail piacon? Ki és mit finanszíroz?
&#x2022 Marketing és ingatlanfejlesztés. Hogyan vonzzuk be a nemzetközi tőkét?
&#x2022 Az átrendeződő bankszektor hogyan hat a versenyre és a termékekre?
&#x2022 Előbérlet, kihasználtság, bérleti idő, energiahatékonyság - Hogyan változnak a bankok feltételrendszerei?
&#x2022Mit jósol itthon a BIG Four és nagy tanácsadók?

Business Beach Conference

5 September / Thursday


09.05. Thursday


Érkezés & regisztráció


Lunch & welcome Aperol



Fodor Dániel: Az Év Irodája Kft., CEO

Starcz Ákos: Indamedia csoport, igazgatósági tag / vezérigazgató,

Ziegler Gábor: Indamedia Network Zrt., vezérigazgató


What is in store for the investor market in Q4 and 2025?

Pázmány Balázs MRICS: Erste Alapkezelő, igazgatóság elnöke


Tokenizáció és blokkláncok a vagyonkezelésben és az ingatlanpiacon (RWA)

Krocsek Attila: Benker/BlockBen alapító tag, CBDO


Ingatlanprojektek finanszírozásának banki megítélése.

Morvai Zsolt: MBH Bank, vállalati üzletág igazgató


Where next for the developer market?

dr. Gondi Ferenc MBA: CTP Hungary, Managing Director

Dános Pál, MRICS: KPMG, Associate Partner

Schőmer Norbert, MRICS: RICS elnök, Atenor Country Manager

Treiber Olivér: Futureal / Hello Parks, Chief Investment Officer

Moderátor: Szoboszlay Máté: Faedra Group, Partner


What macroeconomic conditions would boost project-based lending?

Nagy Gergely: OTP Csoport, ügyvezető igazgató-helyettes

Szabó Balázs: HOLD Asset Management, CEO

Deák Tamás: Erste Bank, ingatlanfinanszírozási vezető

Banai Ádám PHD, MRICS: MNB, jegybanki eszköztárért, pénzügyi stabilitásért és devizatartalék-kezelésért felelős ügyvezető igazgató

Moderátor: Horváth Balázs:, Financial journalist




The Government's development strategy for 2025

Lánszki Regő: Országos főépítész, államtitkár, Építési és Közlekedési Minisztérium


Jövőbiztos ingatlan üzemeltetés: Környezeti etikai, morális, gazdasági és minőségi hatások.

Győri Gyula: CPI Facility Management Kft., Director


Joint Venture Szövetség - Üzlet & Ingatlan

Heiszler Gabriella: SPAR Magyarország, elnök-ügyvezető igazgató

Jamniczky Zsolt: E.ON Hungária Csoport, vezérigazgató-helyettes

Kovács Balázs: Danubius Hotels, vezérigazgató

Moderátor: Sellyey Tamás: S-Team Consulting, Managing Partner


Green bonds and funds - Financing solutions for the real estate market

Böröczky Dezső: Gránit Alapkezelő, stratégiai és üzletfejlesztési vezető

Gereben Mátyás, MRICS: CPI Hungary, Country Manager

Máté-Tóth István: Budapesti Értéktőzsde, Vezérigazgató-helyettes

Dancs Péter: MBH Bank, Ingatlanfinanszírozás vezető

Moderátor: dr. Al Sallami Linda, Deloitte Legal Ügyvédi Iroda, Bankjog, Finanszírozás és Tőkepiac, Csoportvezető partner




Can office renovation be a trend? In a storm of technological, ESG and business expectations

Giller Tamás: NEO Property Services, Gazdasági vezérigazgató

Somogyi Zsolt: Parkl, Managing Director

Zeley Csaba: ConvergenCE, Managing director

Kalaus Valter, MRICS: Newmark VLK Hungary, Managing Partner

Moderátor: dr. Krüpl László, MRICS: Schönherr Hetényi ügyvédi iroda, Csoportvezető, ingatlanjog, tranzakciók és beruházások



Held Zsolt: Visual Europe Project Kft., Kereskedelmi vezető

Gulyás Krisztián: ALEF Distribution HU Kft., F5 Solutions Architect, Team Leader


How is AI catalysing the digitalisation of the real estate market?

Kiss Gergely: Attrecto, Co-founder


Pezsgős koccintás a Porsche & Audi Hungaria jóvoltából

19:00 - 01:00

Vacsora a szállodában & networking party

Ingatlan Regatta & Bankár Kupa

09.06. Friday


Érkezés & regisztráció és reggeli


Boatmen's meeting, fleet lottery led by Farkas Litkey


Sailing competition - Real Estate Regatta


Sailing competition - Banker's Cup


Accommodation takeover


After party on the water




Award ceremony and Regatta party

The Real Estate Regatta and the Bankers Cup are sailed on the same day. The different types of tickets represent the different fleets.

• Competitors will be able to race on hired boats with the assistance of qualified helmsmen.
• The maximum number of people on the boat in addition to the helmsman is 7.

The event aims to bring together leaders from the real estate, banking and finance sectors in a networking event:

Property developers
Facility Management companies
Asset Management companies
Property Management companies
Office building and property owners
Tanácsadó cégek

Financing companies
Logistics companies
Law firms
Insurance providers
Fintech & Proptech cégek
Large corporate executives

Boat rental and ticketing is now open!


Ingatlan Regatta hajó jegy

1 200 000 HUF + VAT

6 September - Friday

Business Beach Conference single ticket

95 000 HUF + VAT

5 September - Thursday

Banker's Cup boat ticket

1 200 000 HUF + VAT

6 September - Friday

Single ticket

175 000 Ft + ÁFA

6 September - Friday

Kombinált egyéni jegy

250 000 Ft + ÁFA

6 September - Friday

Real Estate Regatta
combined ticket

1 500 000 HUF + VAT

6 September - Friday

Business Beach Conference group ticket

300 000 HUF + VAT

5 September - Thursday

Banker's Cup combined ticket

1 500 000 HUF + VAT

6 September - Friday

Atenor / Attrecto / Bernecker Zrt. / BÉT / Biggeroge Property Zrt. / BlackRock / CPI Hungary / CTP Hungary / Cushman & Wakefield / Danubius Hotels / Ernst & Young / Erste Alapkezelő / Erste Bank Hungary Zrt. / Forestay / Futureal / GLP / Grandum Ingatlankezelő / Gránit csoport / Hello Parks / JVSZ / HOLD Asset Management / Horsens Partners / HuGBC / / K&H csoport / KPMG / LEO FM / Market Zrt. / McKinsey & Company / MNB / NEO – Property Services / OTP Bank / OTP Csoport / Pénzügyminisztérium / Prologis / PWC / Real Estate Concept / RICS / Skanska / S-Team Consulting / Schönherr Hetényi ügyvédi iroda / Spar Magyarország / Star Park

Combined ticket - for 1 person:

110 000 HUF + VAT

30.04.2025. - Várkert Bazár

● With your combined ticket you can attend the conference and the evening awards ceremony all day!
● Your combined ticket includes lunch and dinner + all-day unlimited drinks package until 24:00
● Unrivalled networking opportunities all day

SINGLE TICKET for 1 person:

140 000 HUF + VAT

27.02.2025. - Pesti Vigadó

● participation in the full programme and awards ceremony
● gala dinner
● unlimited food and drink consumption
● unrivalled networking opportunities

Conference ticket for 1 person:

80 000 HUF + VAT

30.04.2025. - Várkert Bazár

● With your conference ticket you can participate in the professional conference programme
● Your conference ticket includes lunch + unlimited drinks package
● Unrivalled networking opportunities

Ingatlan Regatta/Bankár Kupa egyéni jegy

175 000 Ft + ÁFA

6 September - Friday

✓ Részvétel a Regatta napján (09.06.) 1 fő részére

✓ Unlimited food and drink on 09.06 on the day of the Regatta (Food: buffet breakfast, exclusive cold pack on the ship's chest for the duration of the cruise, buffet dinner -- Beverages: Special cocktails, refreshments, coffee.)
✓ Participation in the sailing race led by Litkey Farkas, Boat sticker with company logo (2 per boat)

✓ Unrivalled networking opportunities
✓ Party until dawn, surprise show and awards ceremony 
✓ Special outings, activities

✓ Sunset party 

Combined ticket - for 10 people:

1 100 000 HUF + VAT

30.04.2025. - Várkert Bazár

● With your combined ticket you can attend the conference and the evening awards ceremony all day
●Your combined ticket includes lunch and dinner + all-day unlimited drinks package until 24:00
● Centerpiece with company logo
● Table placed near the stage (first come, first served)
● Appear as a table buyer on the event website
● Appearance in the event newsletters as a table buyer
● Appearance on the on-site press wall
● Unrivalled networking opportunities all day

Award ticket - for 10 people:

800 000 HUF + VAT

30.04.2025. - Várkert Bazár

● Your award ticket allows you to attend the evening programme and the awards ceremony
● Your award ticket includes dinner + unlimited alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks package
● Centerpiece with company logo
● Table placed near the stage (first come, first served)
● Appear as a table buyer on the event website
● Appearance in the event newsletters as a table buyer
● Appearance on the on-site press wall
● Unparalleled networking opportunities throughout the evening

10 PEOPLE TABLE - for 10 people:

1 400 000 HUF + VAT

27.02.2025. - Pesti Vigadó

● a centrepiece with your company logo to keep with you after the gala
● table placed close to the stage (first come, first served)
● appear on the event website as a table buyer
● appearance in event newsletters as a table buyer
● appear on the on-site press wall
● gala dinner
● participation in the full programme and awards ceremony
● unlimited food and drink consumption
● unrivalled networking opportunities

Award ticket - for 1 person:

80 000 HUF + VAT

30.04.2025. - Várkert Bazár

● Your award ticket allows you to attend the evening programme and the awards ceremony
● Your award ticket includes dinner + unlimited alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks package
● Unrivalled networking opportunities